Story Within Us

“‘Story within us’ tells Korean folktales and mythologies, that are being forgotten, once again through depicting beings and methods of the past stories into our everyday actions in order to preserve the told cultures, in hopes of familiarizing the public with the tradition.”

*click on each illustration for a description as well as full image*


Feeding my neighbour stray ‘cats’ - Based on 호환(虎患) hohwan, roughly translates to ‘tiger disaster’ term referring to tiger-induced disasters during the Joseon dynasty and 장산범 jangsanbeom, a more recent mythological creature that mimics people’s voices to lure them for a hunt.

‘Everything is Fine! I think...?’ - Introducing 깡철 or 깡철이 kkangcheol or kkangcheori, a creature that is believed to cause natural disasters such as fire, drought, and storms. How wonderful is it to have such mythical creatures help you out with cooking? Well, that is, of course, if things go as planned…


Where am I?: 사방신 Sabangsin - The Four Heavenly Kings watching over each cardinal direction of the world. Who else is there to ask for directions?

창세신화 Changsesinhwa - The creation myth of the world

Your Local Pharmacy - Depicts elements of both traditional and modern medicinal practices and pharmacy itself.

Feeling Lonely? Your Best Friend - Introducing you to the fast and easy way to make your new best friend! Based on진가쟁주(眞假爭主), jingajaenju, is a folktale that tells a story about a rat eating human nails to shapeshift and eventually take over their place

Make Sure to Bring Your Haetae! - Mythical creature ‘Haetae’ is known to protect people from evil spirits and natural disasters.

할머니집 halmeonijip - Discover all the strange roommates and neighbours in your nostalgic grandma’s house. This piece is an interactive piece with the audiences getting to explore the illustration and uncover the creatures themselves by navigating in a dedicated website. Along with sound effects, truly immerse yourself into the piece. Visit your nostalgic childhood *click on the image to visit the website*

Eyes Open - Based on Korean Shamanism Amulet 명태 액막이 myeongtae aengmagi, a dried pollock amulet believed to protect one from evil energy, 액 aek, by watching over with its wide-open eyes and swallowing with its mouth.